2021, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2021; 25 (2)
Clinical evaluation of gestures in the ontogenesis of language
López SDM, Puebla CNM, Batista MH
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 237.85 Kb.
Introduction: Ontogenetic parameters of gestural language are significant aspects to be considered by logophoniatry, taking into account that the non-verbal communication is the first one that appears in the individual.
Objective: To prove that assessing the development of gestures during the ontogenetic process of the normal and pathological language, contributes to the early clinical diagnosis of disabilities.
Method: A process evaluation research was carried out, based on analysis and assessment of the results. The universe was composed by 150 infants who belonged to a healthy population, with risk factors that could trigger language delay, hypoacusia, learning disorders, autism and other conditions, who attended the Speech Therapy and Phoniatrics consultation of the Pediatric Specialties Polyclinic, by referral from homologous offices in Primary Health Care, Previsora Polyclinic, Camagüey municipality, Cuba, with a stratified probability sampling. Using simple random sampling, 34 infants were obtained.
Results: The risk factors with higher incidence were: the newborns with mechanic ventilation for more than 24 hours, hyperbilirubinemia, severe shortness of breath and neonatal convulsions, adolescent mothers, lack of preparation in the family to stimulate the ontogenetic development of language and a noisy environment.
A 25% of the cases evolved with a pathological gestural language because the following stages were affected: visual contact, communicative intention and protoimperative and protodeclarative function of pointing with the finger. A communication deficit in children with poor ontogenesis of gestural language was seen. The most predominant disabilities were: poor language development, hypoacusia, autism, learning difficulties and visual disorders.
Conclusions: The assessment of gestural language proved that that early clinical diagnosis of disabilities can be strengthened.
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