2021, Number 2
Impact of audiovisual media educational software in the Dentistry career
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: Science and technological innovation have reached a giant development. The educational software, as part of information and communication technologies, is considered an interactive virtual media which contributes to develop cognitive skills and to conceive and design a model where the student´s active participation be the priority.Objective: To determine the impact of audiovisual media educational software for the Dentistry career in Holguín.
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe was made up by 200 students and 89 teachers from the Dentistry career. Theoretical and empirical methods, absolute frequency and percentage were used. A chi-squared test of independence was applied to identify the possible association of the pedagogical variables on the impact of the educational software.
Results: The educational software enhanced motivation in both, students and teachers, representing a 98.5% and a 94.4%, respectively. It was positively categorized as updated in 94.5% of the students and 89.9% of the teachers. The pedagogical variables were significant: motivation, content, external and internal usefulness. The significant pedagogical variable for teachers and learners was the updating level.
Conclusions: The impact of the educational software for audiovisual media in the Dentistry career was adequate in the teaching-learning process.
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