2018, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2018; 13 (2)
Bioethics and animal testing. A review of scientific praxis in Mexico
Contreras ALA, Linares MP, Acosta HCC, Fraile LB
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 26-35
PDF size: 444.98 Kb.
This study examines the experimental use of non-human animals in Mexico from a bioethical approach. For
this purpose, a survey was applied to researchers who develop research lines with animals (specifically chordates)
to know the ethical and technical aspects related to their use. When analyzing the data, it was concluded
that there is a partial use of the 3 R’s of Russell and Burch, as well as irregularities related to the application of
transport protocols, exclusive zones for experimentation, use of substances and tools in the slaughter process
required by the NOM-062-ZOO-1999 and the Terrestrial Code.
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