2022, Number Esp
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Sal Jal 2022; 9 (Esp)
Apoyo a la lactancia materna mediante la tele salud, una experiencia al inicio de la pandemia por COVID-19
Marín-Acosta ME, Sampieri-Ramírez CL, García-Román R, Cuevas-Córdoba B, Arroyo-Helguera O, Gutiérrez-Fragoso K
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 25-33
PDF size: 333.75 Kb.
Objective: to assess the effect of a telehealth
breastfeeding support program on breastfeeding
technique, perception, and exclusivity of breastfeeding
at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Material y
methods: pre-experimental study with a mixed design
and convenience sampling that recruited mothers
through Facebook in the first postpartum month to
provide them with breastfeeding support for 29-30
days. Support was provided through phone calls and
the Zoom and WhatsApp platforms. Breastfeeding
technique and the perception of the effectiveness
of breastfeeding were determined in two moments
with the LATCH tool and the Initial Breastfeeding
Survey Cumulative (BBSC), respectively. A descriptive
analysis of the data and analysis of the conversations
held by WhatsApp were carried out using the
MAXQDA version 20.4.0 program.
Results: four
participants maintained the practice of breastfeeding
during the follow-up period. After providing the
support, the average LATCH score, and the perception
of the effectiveness of breastfeeding increased 1.5 and
11.3 points, respectively; the size of the sample did
not allow to determine statistical differences of these
measurements. Different barriers and factors favoring
breastfeeding were identified. All participants reported
being satisfied with the support and accompaniment
provided by telehealth.
Conclusion: the development
of interventions that support breastfeeding through
telehealth in contingency situations, such as the
COVID-19 pandemic, can be an effective public health
strategy to overcome the barriers to breastfeeding.
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