2021, Number 4
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Rev Med UAS 2021; 11 (4)
Bioactive food molecules as a contribution towards a comprehensive strategy for the management of the COVID-19 disease in Mexico
Olivas-Orozco GI, Salas-Tovar JA, De la Peña-Baca A, Pérez-Ordoñez G, Pérez-Corral D, Hernández-Centeno F, Amaro-Hernández C, Escobedo-García S, Ramos-Aguilar AL, Chacón-Flores A, Rentería-Soto D, Molina-Corral J, Sepúlveda D
Language: Spanish
References: 200
Page: 351-385
PDF size: 289.50 Kb.
The health emergency unleashed by the COVID-19 disease in Mexico and worldwide urges health professionals to find effective strategies to
mitigate this serious problem. The present manuscript explores the potential use of bio-molecules contained in food as adjuvant agents in the
prevention and treatment of this disease. An extensive bibliographic review was carried out to identify scientific evidence available to date
regarding the preventive and therapeutic potential of consuming vitamins C and D, the minerals zinc, magnesium, and selenium, and other
nutraceutical substances such as melatonin, omega-3 fatty acids, and quercetin. The use of herbs such as ginseng, ginger, and turmeric, as
well as the consumption of bee products and probiotics, is also explored. This manuscript aims to highlight the potential of these natural
products to be used in the combat and prevention of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, with special emphasis on the particular public
health situation in Mexico concerning nutritional deficiencies and comorbidities, which increase the risk of contagion, the complication of the
COVID-19 disease, and death. The information provided should be considered as a suggestion to complement the pharmacological or other
medical treatments and recommendations. The consumption of the nutrients or supplements discussed is not intended as a substitute for
appropriate medical therapy.
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