2019, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2019; 14 (2)
Enteral feeding as palliative care (in the context of a Terminal disease). A reflection from biopolitics
Rodríguez SRI
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 64-86
PDF size: 249.24 Kb.
This paper offers a problematization of the ethical dilemma that represents the medical procedure of enteral feeding
as palliative care in the context of a Terminal disease. The interpretative hypothesis is that this procedure can
be viewed from a biopolitical perspective.
To support the thesis, I refer the basis that the Modern State uses to defend life from medical practices with a Hippocratic
perspective, thus conforming mechanism for the control of life. According to the thesis enteral nutrition
as palliative care would be presented as one of the medical practices that more clearly exemplify the intention of
political control of human life.
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