2020, Number 5
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Rev Méd Electrón 2020; 42 (5)
Bibliographic update on the use of biomaterials and autologous bone grafts in patients with alveolar atrophy
García MCD, Pérez PA, Pérez QJA, Bello FR, Pérez PA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 127.59 Kb.
The elective material for replacing the bone lost by trauma, congenital or acquired pathological processes and atrophy are the autogenic or autologous bone grafts (the patient´s own bones). From the introduction of the concept of osseointegration by Branemark on, dental implants are part of the daily therapeutic for rehabilitating edentulous areas. Alveolar atrophy is perhaps one of the most disabling oral conditions, because it is chronic, progressive, cumulative and irreversible. It alters maxilla-mandibular relations, reduces the bone quality of the dentosupported area and the depth of the sulcus. The ideal bone graft material should not be only a bone substitute, by a regenerative material that could be completely reabsorbed simultaneously with the new bone formation. To assess the success and failure of a therapy allows taking decisions for the continuous improvement of the clinical practice. The aim of the research was to prove the importance of using biomaterials or autologous bone grafts in patients with alveolar atrophy.
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