2020, Number 4
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Rev Méd Electrón 2020; 42 (4)
Meyer epiphyseal dysplasia. Case presentation
Subiaurt OM, García DJD
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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The authors present the case of a female child diagnosed with Meyers dysplasia. It is an alteration of the hip development in children, given the ossification irregularity and retardation of the femoral epiphysis nucleus, although several orthopedists consider it a normal physiological variant. Radiologically, it shows like a multiple granular pattern of ossification, and clinically it could be symptomatic in several cases, but more frequently it is asymptomatic. It was emphasized the importance of considering Meyer dysplasia as a diagnostic possibility in the presence of alterations in the femoral epiphysis ossification. The authors indicated hip congenital dysplasia and Perthes disease as main entities to take into account when making the differential diagnosis. They also analyzed clinic-radiological evolution of the patient on the basis of the data collected in the clinical record. They concluded emphasizing that Meyer dysplasia must be taken into consideration as a diagnostic possibility in similar cases, each patient should be carefully assessed and that hip congenital dysplasia and Perthes disease have to be considered as differential diagnosis given the age of the patient.
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