2021, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2021; 20 (1)
Amotivational syndrome in chronic marijuana users. A narrative review to approach the concept
Castaño PGA, Becoña IE, Scoppetta DGO, Restrepo ESM
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 829.53 Kb.
Over the past sixty years, evidence for the adverse effects of chronic cannabis use has been demonstrated. Memory and concentration problems, the risk of schizophrenia in predisposed subjects, and amotivational syndrome have been referenced. There is not much doubt in relation to the first effect mentioned, but there is controversy around the last.
To review the existing scientific evidence for the amotivational syndrome.
Material and Methods:
The review was conducted through academic database searching. The publications related to mental disorders associated with the chronic marijuana use, which referred to amotivational syndrome that fulfilled the criteria for articles attached to international standards, were taken into account.
A total of 31 articles were included. Of them, 16 presented the definition of amotivational syndrome. Once all the sources were integrated, the evidence found in 15 factors was organized. These factors included: apathy; disinterest; passivity; indifference; delay to perform tasks; sloth; presentism; reluctance to do prolonged activities that require attention or tenacity; abandonment of personal care; sexual disinterest; decreased reflexes; decreased self-efficacy; impairment in communication skills; social withdrawal, and unaltered affection.
Based on these findings, we suggest that the amotivational syndrome is a constellation of symptoms and / or related signs which could constitute a typical morbidity caused by chronic cannabis use, so we expect that future research will be developed to demonstrate or discard their existence.
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