2021, Number 1
Maxillary transverse diameter in patients with malocclusion treated at ''Mario Escalona'' Polyclinic. 2019
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 778.77 Kb.
Introduction: Growth anomalies and maxillary transverse diameter are frequent diagnoses in patients with malocclusions.Objective: To describe the maxillary transverse diameter in patients with malocclusions treated at Mario Escalona Polyclinic in 2019.
Material and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. The universe consisted of 69 patients aged 12-25 years who presented malocclusions and were admitted to the Orthodontics Service of Mario Escalona polyclinic from April 2018 to February 2019. Bogue´s index and the index of Mayoral were determined. The results were presented in tables.
Results: The transverse diameter of Bogue decreased in 65.0% of the patients in whom it was determined. All measures established by Mayoral presented lower average values than the norm at each stage of growth and development; except for measures 4/4 in pre-pubertal patients. In both sexes, the index of Mayoral in its three levels or references was found as an average value below the norm. Lower averages (33.7mm, 38.3mm, 44.4mm) were identified in the female sex with respect to the male sex. Transversal micrognathism was diagnosed in 75.36% of patients (80.49% females and 67.86% males).
Conclusions: A high frequency of transversal micrognathism was found. Slight discrepancies of the index of Mayoral were identified according to the syndromic classification and the stages of growth and development while in terms of sex, significant differences were identified.
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