2021, Number 2
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Rev Med UAS 2021; 11 (2)
Prevalence of rhinosinusal inflammatory disease by computed tomography in the imaging unit of the Hospital Civil de Culiacán
Calderón-Plata FA, Zatarain-Bayliss L, Peraza-Garay F
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 95-106
PDF size: 164.99 Kb.
Objective: To determine the frequency of rhinosinusal inflammatory pathology diagnosed by computed tomography in the population
that attends the Imaging Unit of the Hospital Civil de Culiacán.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and prospective
study was carried out in the imaging area of the Civil Hospital of Culiacán, from June 2019 to March 2020 with a sample of 97 patients,
who underwent computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses and skull; the interpretations of the studies were made by radiologists
assigned to the tomography area.
Results: A sample of 97 patients was collected, 57.7% women and 42.3% men, the median age
was 46 years with a range of 18 to 89 years. The frequency of rhinosinusal inflammatory pathology was 67%; Acute sinusitis was the
most frequent disease with 76.3%; septal deviation and spur were the most frequent anatomical variants with 87.8% and 54.1%
respectively; the history of smoking was significantly associated with the presence of rhinosnusal inflammatory pathology.
The rhinosinusal inflammatory pathology and the most frequent anatomical variants were higher than that reported in the
literature and a higher frequency of rhinosinusal inflammatory disease was demonstrated in smokers.
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