2021, Number 1
Feminicidio y mutilación post mortem
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: Mutilation by means of post mortem dismemberment or dismemberment associated with femicide is an infrequent phenomenon in the Cuban context, which is why it arouses interest in the forensic field.Objective: To present the results of the forensic psychiatric expertise practiced on the author of a case of feminicide and post mortem dismemberment.
Case presentation: Male individual, 55 years old, with no history of psychiatric care, high school level, no work relationship or children. He was examined due to the murder and subsequent dismemberment of a woman. An interview and psychological evaluation were conducted. The diagnosis issued by the evaluating commission was dissocial personality disorder.
Conclusions: Although psychopathy does not constitute a predisposition to carry out mutilations on the corpse; the coldness and lack of empathy characteristic of these subjects facilitate the commission of this type of crime.
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