2020, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2020; 15 (2)
Theories in Transgender Men Studies: A Literature Review
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Language: Spanish
References: 151
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Purpose/Context. This article categorizes the theories described in empirical
studies of transgender men to contribute to epistemological and methodological
advances in bioethics from transdisciplinary approaches.
Method/Approach. We conducted a qualitative narrative literature review under
a research objective and question, bibliographic search, study retrieval, systematization,
selection, database construction, primary analysis, evaluation, and
analysis by topic. The review encompasses empirical studies of transgender men
in Spanish and English published in Pub-Med, APA, DOAJ, and Scielo between
January 2010 and May 2019, with no design limits. The articles included were
classified by emerging theme and by theory, according to their authors.
Results/Findings. Of 79 articles, 46 had a quantitative approach, 25 qualitative,
and 8 mixed. The emerging themes are discrimination, diversity, education,
health, identity, marketing, society, and violence. There is a lack of theoretical
foundations in 83.5 % of the publications; theory is indirectly described in
15.2 % and explicitly described in 3.85 %, particularly queer, recognition, and
gender and sexual identity theories.
Discussion/Conclusion/Contributions. Empirical production on transgender
men lacks explicit theoretical basis, except for three articles, suggesting the need
for own bioethics developments that have an impact on individual and collective
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