2021, Number 1
Venous aneurysm as a complication of an internal arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis: a case repor
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: two frequent complications that present a poor function of the internal arteriovenous fistulas are thrombosis and stenosis. Other complications such as aneurysms, although less frequent, are not unimportant; they require a timely intervention to avoid the failure of such approach.Case report: a patient who is intervened due to a venous aneurysm of internal arteriovenous fistula and treated with total aneurysmectomy. Vascular approach was not preserved; a temporary catheter was placed in the right internal jugular vein while waiting for a new vascular approach to be made, and there were no complications.
Conclusions: the treatment is at the discretion of the vascular surgeon; due to the clinical elements found, as well as the degenerative changes as a result of the local inflammatory process. The aneurysms of the arteriovenous fistulas constitute a complication of low frequency, but they are not exempt from rupture. It is observed both in autologous arteriovenous fistulas and in autologous and heterologous grafts. The danger of spontaneous rupture at a marked skin-toning site as a result of repeated punctures is an indication for prompt surgical procedure. The treatment is at the discretion of the vascular surgeon and it is important the multidisciplinary team cares for the fistula during its projected lifespan.
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