2022, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (07)
Bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy, narrative review
Torres-Pineda M, Urrego-Pachón MA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 590-598
PDF size: 244.92 Kb.
Background: Hemorrhage in the first trimester of pregnancy is a problem seen in
daily obstetric clinical practice. Care behaviors are usually protocolized in almost all
institutions; however, current scientific evidence suggests that some of these behaviors
do not have strong evidence to support them.
Objective: To review the recent literature and summarize the main recommendations
for the care of cases of hemorrhage in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Methodology: Retrospective study based on a literature search of English language
articles containing the MeSH terms: “First Trimester”, “Hemorrhage”, “Bleeding”, “Ectopic
Pregnancy”, “Abortion”, “Incomplete Abortion”, “Miscarriage”, “Early Pregnancy
Loss”, “Threatened Abortion” and “Gestational Trophoblastic Disease”. Controlled
clinical trials, case-control studies, prospective and retrospective cohort studies, clinical
practice guidelines, protocols, systematic reviews and meta-analyses included in
the PubMed database from 2014 to 2021 were included.
Results: We found 54 complete articles, of which 38 were discarded due to duplicity
in information, lack of relevance or not updated. In the end, only 16 articles were
included for narrative review.
Conclusions: First trimester hemorrhage, although frequent, is still a diagnostic
challenge due to its wide spectrum of clinical manifestations and causes. It is always
necessary to correlate the complete clinical evaluation with ultrasound findings and
β-hCG concentrations and to rule out nonobstetric causes of bleeding, regardless of
the initial diagnostic suspicion.
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