2022, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (07)
Etiology of fetal hydrops: experience in an obstetric hospital in western Mexico
Becerra-Solano LE, Medina-Castellanos M, Oseguera-Torres LF, Mendoza-Ruvalcaba SC, Domínguez-Quezada MG, García-Ortiz JE
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 579-589
PDF size: 220.98 Kb.
Objective: To identify the causes of nonimmune fetal hydrops fetalis in an obstetric
referral hospital in Western Mexico.
Materials and Methods: Case series study, with non-probabilistic sampling
by convenience, carried out from October 2014 to September 2015 which included
patients (between 15 and 38 weeks of pregnancy), of legal age (in cases of minors,
informed consent was requested from parents or guardians), with a diagnosis of fetal
hydrops fetalis by obstetric ultrasound. For statistical analysis, an Excel database was
generated and descriptive statistics were applied.
Results: Thirty-three pregnant women were included, in whom non-immune fetal
hydrops fetalis was the most frequent (94%) and idiopathic was the most common
cause (n = 10), followed by inborn errors of metabolism, chromosomal and cardiac
alterations (n = 6 each). This was followed by hematologic (n = 4), lymphatic and
syndromic causes (n = 3 each), and infectious and tumor causes (n = 1 each). In this
study, inborn errors of metabolism (specifically Sly syndrome) had a higher frequency
than that reported in the literature.
Conclusions: Inborn errors of metabolism, chromosomal and cardiac abnormalities
were the second most frequent cause of nonimmune fetal hydrops. It is suggested that
metabolic causes be taken into account in the diagnostic approach to fetal hydrops,
especially for the establishment of early treatment.
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