2022, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (07)
Impact of early initiation of breastfeeding on exclusive breastfeeding
Franco-del Río GR, Paredes-Melesio N
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 551-558
PDF size: 205.81 Kb.
Objective: To compare the effect of early feeding and its impact on exclusive breastfeeding
with conventional neonatal care in a private hospital.
Materials and Methods: Comparative, observational, cohort, prospective and
analytical study conducted at the Hospital Ángeles de Querétaro from April 2015 to
October 2021. Inclusion criteria: mothers with intrapartum and immediate postpartum
periods, any birth route and application or not of anesthesia and neonates of either sex,
term, without neonatal pathology or congenital malformations, Apgar at 5 minutes plus
or minus greater than 7 and weight greater than 2500g.
Exclusion criteria: multiple pregnancies, newborns with any condition after birth
or conditions that prevented breastfeeding. For the comparison between groups of
qualitative variables, the 2's test was applied and, if necessary, Yates' correction
with risk estimates.
Results: We analyzed 1175 mothers of whom 687 (58.4%) newborns were exclusively
breastfed and 488 (41.6%) were not. The clinical and sociodemographic
characteristics between the two comparison groups were similar. It stood out that
mothers and infants who achieved successful exclusive breastfeeding were those in
the early feeding group compared to those who did not (91.9 vs 52.6%; p ‹ 0.001,
RR 4.85, 95%CI: 3.80-6.18).
Conclusions: Early feeding, in the first hour of life, has a beneficial, protective
and positive effect on exclusive breastfeeding even up to almost five times more than
when it is not achieved.
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