2021, Number 1
The systematization of clinical trial protocols in scientific-research training development
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 76-85
PDF size: 779.39 Kb.
Introduction: the scientific-research training of clinical researchers is aimed at superiority in their clinical, investigative and specialized professional qualification. Where the demands, objectives and goals are materialized in accordance with their social relevance and training intentionality. Objective: to argue the systematization of the interpretation of clinical trial protocols in the scientific-research training of the clinical researcher. Development: the systematization of the interpretation of clinical trial protocols, in the dynamics of this training process, in its relationship with scientific-research training from Good Clinical Practices and from a training practice in the clinical trial, gives meaning and sense to the scientific-research training process of the clinical researcher and allows an upward transformation from a contextualized professional practice. Conclusions: the systematization of the interpretation of clinical trial protocols by clinical researchers was argued, enhances the permanent education of these health professionals from mediating between the formative practice in the clinical trial and the achievement of training scientific-research based on Good Clinical Practices, becoming the driving force behind this process.REFERENCES
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