2021, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2021; 12 (1)
Strategy to implement a theoretical model for management training in Primary Health Care
Acevedo AJ, Lazo PM, Ávila SM, Columbié PM
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 495.20 Kb.
Introduction: the design of a curricular strategy takes into account the structure and functioning available to make possible the educational objectives to be developed, as well as the methodological foundation of the relations between the general and the particular, of a centralized design and flexible in its application.
Objective: to design a strategy for the implementation of a theoretical model of management training for decision making in Primary Health Care in Chile.
Development: for the design of the strategy it was necessary to understand the theoretical model of training in health management. The work plan of the strategy for the implementation of the model involves three phases - phase 1: presentation of the model to the academic collective, - phase 2: presentation of the model to the Postgraduate Department, - phase 3: presentation of the model at the Faculty level. The strategy values updated approaches for professional improvement and postgraduate training at this level, based on the foundations and principles of the Science of Medical Education, as well as on the relations with Public Health and Health Technologies.
Conclusions: the research allowed sustaining a strategy of implementation of a theoretical model of training in directive management in health that impacts in the professional growth and postgraduate studies of the professionals who work in the Primary Health Care.
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