2021, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2021; 16 (2)
Biodiversity Loss and Human Vulnerability to Zoonotic Infectious Diseases: Humans, Stories, and Environment
Naranjo-Soler AJ, Navarro-Pimento DC, Sánchez-Osorio NM
Language: Spanish
References: 43
PDF size: 200.53 Kb.
Purpose/Context. The exponential growth of zoonotic diseases has dramatically
affected the world population in recent years. In turn, an eventual loss of
biodiversity will increase the level of human vulnerability to zoonotic infectious
diseases. This article aims to provide some inputs for understanding how the
loss of biodiversity due to human economic activity favors the transmission of
zoonotic infectious diseases and thus increases the vulnerability level of our species
against this threat.
Methodology/Approach. We performed a critical analysis of the presentations
in four events of the Open Lecture in Bioethics, Special Version 2020-1,
entitled “Environment, Humans, and Pandemic,” organized by the Bioethics
Department, Universidad El Bosque. Besides, we systematically compiled several
articles from three of the most critical bioethics databases worldwide:
Bioethics Research Library, Bioethics, and German Reference Center for Ethics
in the Life Science.
Results/Findings. We could identify the pressing need to restore the relationships
between nature and human beings around life, based on changes in the intersubjective,
interspecific (humans with other species), and environmental relationships.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The actions of human beings against
the dynamic ecosystem balance are harmful to themselves and adversely affect
other species, thus worsening human exposure to zoonotic infectious diseases
such as COVID-19.
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