2021, Number 1
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Rev Med UAS 2021; 11 (1)
Eruptive xanthomas as initial manifestation of dyslipidemia. Case report
Gaxiola-Álvarez EA, Magdaleno-Lomelí CA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 56-60
PDF size: 138.29 Kb.
Eruptive xanthomas are abnormal deposits of lipids in the skin, rare but of great importance due to their growth with serious metabolic
disorders such as severe hypertriglyceridemia. They are characterized by the sudden appearance of multiple yellowish papules with
erythematous halo, from 1 to 5 mm in diameter in areas of extension of extremities, back and buttocks. The diagnosis is confirmed
with histological study by observing the foam cells. Treatment consists of controlling the underlying disease, usually with lipid-lowering
agents, hypoglycaemic agents and lifestyle style.
Case Report: We present the clinical case of a 24-year-old female patient with a history of diabetes mellitus, in whom eruptive
xanthomas were the first clinical manifestation of a dyslipidemia of which no carrier was known.
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