2021, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2021; 26 (2)
Characterization of the drying kinetics of flowers of Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile)
Hernández FYO, Vega LM, Gordillo OMC, Pérez RL, Duartes MY
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 275.06 Kb.
Introduction: Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile) is one of the medicinal species used
by the pharmaceutical industry. When dry flowers are used in the manufacture of a
phytoproduct, the drying process is critical, for it has a direct impact on quality.
Objective: Characterize water outlet dynamics during natural and artificial drying of
Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile).
Methods: Postharvest management technology considered harvest stages, weighing,
drying, packaging, sealing and storage. In the artificial process, average temperature
and relative humidity were 40°C and 50%, respectively. In the natural process, average
thermodynamic parameters were 27.1 ± 5.5°C and 77.4 ± 5.0%. Both processes
included an evaluation of mass-energy exchange and diffusion mechanisms.
Conclusions: Characterization of the drying kinetics of chamomile describes the
behavior of the extraction dynamic of a species with a heterogeneous system consisting
of petal, receptacle and flower. It also provides production with technical elements that
may be decisive to choose artificial or natural technology.
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