2022, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2022; 45 (3)
Sleep hygiene practices in patients with major depression with comorbid insomnia, primary insomnia, and good sleepers
Sandoval-Rincón M, Sánchez-Ferrer JC, Muñoz-Delgado J, Saldívar-Hernández RK, Jiménez-Genchi A
Language: English
References: 27
Page: 97-103
PDF size: 176.58 Kb.
Introduction. Inadequate sleep hygiene (SH) is considered factor contributing to insomnia. However, the
practice of SH by depressed patients with comorbid insomnia has not been explored.
Objective. We aimed to
compare the practice of SH between patients with major depression, comorbid insomnia, primary insomnia,
and good sleepers.
Method. One hundred and eighty-two adult individuals participated: 62 outpatients with
major depressive disorder with comorbid insomnia (MDD), 56 outpatients with primary insomnia (PI), and 64
good sleepers (GS). All participants were assessed with a structured psychiatric interview, an insomnia interview,
the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Insomnia Severity Index, and the Sleep Hygiene Practice Scale.
We compared the practice of SH as a whole and by domains between the groups and the relation between
SH practice, insomnia, and sleep quality.
Results. Patients with PI and MDD showed a significantly worse
practice of global SH. In the comparison by SH domains, MDD and PI groups had significantly worse scores
than GS in all domains. Individuals with MDD showed a significantly worse practice of sleep schedule and
arousal related behaviors than PI group. Although, SH practice was significantly related with insomnia and
sleep quality in the whole sample, this association remained significant only in the PI. The arousal-related behaviors
domain was the main predictor of insomnia and sleep quality.
Discussion and conclusion. Although
patients with insomnia comorbid with MDD or with PI have a worse SH practice than GS, only arousal-related
behaviors and drinking/eating habits contribute significantly to insomnia severity and sleep quality.
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