2022, Number 3
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (3)
Circadian clocks and prolonged fasting: Therapeutic potential in the treatment of metabolic diseases
Fernández-De La Torre M, Hernández-Díaz P, Aspe-Viñolas J, Ahumada-Ayala M
Language: Spanish
References: 74
Page: 649-664
PDF size: 287.31 Kb.
Circadian rhythms are biological phenomena, occurring in almost all living species,
which are cyclically repeated every 24 hours, in synchrony with earth rotation. They
provide rhythmicity to many physiological functions and make it possible to anticipate
the most appropriate metabolic response to recurrent events, while maintaining homeostasis.
Circadian rhythms are controlled by sophisticated intracellular molecular
mechanisms. The central or master clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei and
it is synchronized with the peripheral clocks located in most other tissues. There are
external clues or
zeitgebers, that allow the synchronization and harmony of circadian
clocks. The main
zeitgeber of the central clock are the light-dark periods. While the
composition and schedule of the diet, sleep periods, and physical activity are
acting mainly on peripheral clocks. Modern lifestyle characterized by increased
use of electronic screens emitting blue-light, night-time working shifts, high-fat diets,
and irregular eating patterns may directly interfere with the harmonious functioning
of circadian clocks. Chronic circadian desynchrony is possibly involved in the pathogenesis
of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension,
metabolic syndrome and obesity. Prolonged nocturnal fasting can be used as a tool
for adjusting circadian clocks, a reduced feeding-time window with regular caloric
intake allow a timely metabolic response which is in synchrony with circadian genes.
Aligning of circadian clocks represents a potential ancillary method for preventing and
treating metabolic diseases.
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