2021, Number 1
Relationship of CagA/VacA genotypes of Helicobacter pylori with precursor lesions of gastric cancer
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Introduction: Helicobacter pylori predisposes to gastric cancer. Individuals with CagA and VacA s1m1 strains develop more severe mucosal lesions. The Operative Link on Gastritis Assessment system allows determining the risk of cancer and defines atrophy as the typical lesion in the progression of chronic gastritis.Objective: Relate the CagA and VacA genotypes of Helicobacter pylori with precursor lesions of gastric cancer.
Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in 62 patients. The variables included were the CagA and VacA genotypes of Helicobacter pylori and the OLGA stages (0, I, II, III, IV), which were related. The absolute frequency and the percentage were used as summary measures for qualitative variables. To evaluate the association between qualitative variables, the X2 test (chi-square) was applied. A level of statistical significance p≤0.05 was accepted. To explore the relationship between two dichotomous variables, the relative risk was used. We worked with a confidence level of 95 %.
Development: 68 % of the patients with atrophy had a CagA genotype and 55 % had a VacA s1m1 genotype. 6 % of the patients with CagA were in stage 0; 11 % in stage I; 40 % in stage II and 16 % in stage III. 37 % of the patients with VacA s1m1 were stage II.
Conclusions: The CagA and VacA s1m1 genotypes were the most frequent and were related to the presence of gastric atrophy.
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