2021, Number 1
Epidemiological clinical characterization of patients with tumoral pelvic inflammatory disease
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: Pelvic inflammatory disease is the most frequent serious infection in women between 16 and 25 years old. Adolescence is the period of highest risk of onset due to the higher incidence of risk factors related to unsafe sexual behaviors.Objective: To determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with tumoral pelvic inflammatory disease.
Methods: We worked with a population of 63 patients. Two study groups were formed, group I with adolescents and young people, and group II with the other patients. The variables used were: early sexual intercourse, number of sexual partners, unprotected intercourse, use of intrauterine devices, history of pregnancy termination, main clinical manifestations, complementary results, and treatment administered.
Results: It was found that 76.4% of the adolescents had unprotected sexual relations, 52.9% began sexual relations before the age of 14, 64.7% referred a history of induced abortions, and 100% requested attention for pain pelvic. Medical treatment was used in 95.6% of the patients.
Conclusions: In most of the cases, the clinical and complementary symptoms performed were consistent with tumor pelvic inflammatory disease; and the treatment used was medical.
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