2022, Number 06
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (06)
Altered maternal adipokine profile in preeclampsia
Saucedo R, Valencia-Ortega J, González-Reynoso R, Ramos-Martínez EG, Peña-Cano MI, Cruz-Durán JG
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 475-485
PDF size: 253.68 Kb.
Objectives: To evaluate maternal serum concentrations of adipokines: adiponectin,
adipsin, leptin, lipocalin-2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, nerve growth factor,
resistin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha and their relationship with pre-pregnancy body
mass index and gestational weight gain in women with preeclampsia compared with
healthy women, and to perform an analysis classifying preeclampsia as early and late.
Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional, comparative, retrolective, non-probabilistic
convenience sampling study carried out in patients attended at the Hospital de
Gineco-Obstetricia 3, Centro Médico Nacional La Raza, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro
Social (IMSS). Preoperatively, a blood sample was taken to determine serum adipokine
concentrations by multianalyte assays.
Results: A sample of 75 women with healthy pregnancy and 44 with preeclampsia
(early n = 20, late n = 24) was studied. Only adipsin, leptin, and tumor necrosis factor-
alpha concentrations were higher in preeclampsia than in healthy pregnancy [median
(interquartile range): 3. 9 μg/mL (2.9-5.4) vs. 2.5 µg/mL (1.9-3.1), 10.6 ng/mL (6.0-19.1)
compared to 7.1 ng/mL (3.8-12.4), 3.6 pg/mL (2.7-5.8) vs. 2.9 (2.3-3.5), respectively].
Adipokine concentrations did not correlate with pre-pregnancy body mass index and
gestational weight gain. There were no significant differences in concentrations between
preeclampsia subtypes.
Conclusion: In the third trimester of pregnancy, preeclampsia is associated with an
altered serum adipokine profile, characterized by elevated concentrations of adipsin,
leptin, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, which is not related to prepregnancy body
mass index, gestational weight gain, and preeclampsia subtype.
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