2021, Number 1
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Rev cubana med 2021; 60 (1)
Pleuropathy secondary to ovulation inducers
Fernández GS, Rodríguez MK, Boffill CS
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 236.14 Kb.
Introduction: Pleural effusion is called the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space above 5 and
15 mL in a hemithorax. Different etiologies are responsible for its appearance but a group of them
are given by drug etiology. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a secondary complication to the
use of ovulation inducer therapy. The association of treatment with ovulation inducers in the
genesis of pleural effusion is little known in the medical literature.
Objective: To review the most important clinical-pathophysiological aspects reported on pleurisy
in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
Methods: A review was carried out on the purpose of a clinical case of a 34-year-old patient with a
medical history, followed in a fertility consultation. She was treated with clomiphene citrate and
she developed an immediate moderate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The clinical expression
was a moderate right pleural effusion. Pleurisy is rare. It depends on the individual genetic
predisposition of the patient and the susceptibility to drugs; the incidence varies between 0.6 and
10%. Different risk factors have been described, although any woman subjected to these
treatments can develop it. Treatment is symptomatic, restoring the intravascular volume with the
administration of crystalloids and/or albumin.
Conclusions: The association of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and pleuropathy secondary to
treatment with clomiphene citrate is not frequent.
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