2021, Number 1
Academic impact of COVID-19 on Peruvian university students
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 402.26 Kb.
Introduction: As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, many students are worried that they may lose their academic term.Objective: Validate a scale to measure the perception of possible academic impacts among Peruvian university students.
Method: A validation process was conducted of a test measuring the perception of university students about possible academic impacts. The validation was based on a scientific bibliography search, development of a preliminary overview, validation of the test by 59 experts: epidemiologists, researchers and physicians, exploratory factor analysis, and statistical analysis.
Results: In terms of relevance, item 7 was found to be more essential or important than the others (V = 1.00; CI 95 %: 0.73-0.96). Item 8 (M = 3.80; /= 1.152) exhibits the highest mean, and item 6 the lowest (M = 3.03; SD = 1.342). AFE relevance is justified by the KMO index (0.85) and Bartlett's test (12577.0; gl = 28; p = / 0.001), both of which were found to be acceptable and significant. A Cronbach's α coefficient of 0.899 was obtained, with a confidence interval of 95%, SD 0.882-0.898, indicating a good consistency level.
Conclusions: A single factor scale was validated which measures the perception of university students about the possible impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on their studies. It is necessary to evaluate each reality, and the tool may serve as a base scale for that purpose.
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