2022, Number 3
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2022; 65 (3)
Six Cases of Reports of Eclampsia in a Rural Hospital from the Chiapas Jungle
Arriaga LA, Álvarez TA, Meléndez CS, Vera SMD, Quintero GAB
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 24-32
PDF size: 177.01 Kb.
Eclampsia is a relatively rare and unpredictable syndrome of
pregnancy-induced hypertensive disease, characterized by
a tonic-clonic seizure state which may or may not present
hypertension or end-organ damage. It complicates approximately
3 out of 1000 pregnancies, with a high incidence
in patients of low socioeconomic status and rural areas,
women with pre-eclampsia, primiparous teen or multipa
rous women over 35 years old. We present the report of 6
cases of eclampsia that occurred in a first level rural hospital
of attention in the state of Chiapas, located in the heart of
the Lacandon Jungle. Most of them occurred in primiparous
teen patients during labor, which exceeded 40 weeks of
gestation. All were promptly managed with support measures
and magnesium sulfate neuroprotection, 5 of them
referred to the second level of the intensive care unit for
more comprehensive care, the average length of stay was 2
days. No one presented a new seizure. No adverse perinatal
outcomes or maternal death were recorded. The pre-eclampsia-
eclampsia syndrome is a problem with a high impact
on pregnancy and a challenge for all three levels of
care, but especially for care in rural areas and indigenous
areas throughout Mexico, since, due to entrenched customs,
patients omit prenatal control, in addition to living in places
with difficult access to hospitals or clinics.
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