2004, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2004; 42 (6)
Cytogenetic Effects of Occupational Exposure to Cytostatics
Domínguez OA, Batista DA, Carnesoltas D, Romero GLI, Lóriega LE, Cuello AD, Landrove MY, García CL
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 487-4992
PDF size: 168.48 Kb.
Cytostatics represent a great toxicologic danger to those exposed because they are designed to initiate cellular death, without differing between healthy and cancerous cells. For that reason, our objectives for the study were to identify any existing relationship between the frequency of appearance of chromosomal aberrations and atypical cells, with the job-related activities carried out in exposed workers. Data were obtained using an analytic observational cohort study in exposed and nonexposed workers to antineoplastic medication, working in the Medical Service of Chemotherapy. The study included genetic investigations (micronuclei in exfoliated cells of the oral mucosa and chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes). The results obtained indicate only that there are increases in micronuclei frequency (63.55 %) and nuclear atypical frequency (karyolysis, 401.63 % and condensed chromatin, 372.66 %) in exposed nurses when compared to the nonexposed nurses for buccal cells. In addition, a statistically significant difference was also demonstrated among occupational workers exposed to cytos-tatics and cytogenetic alterations in exfoliated cells (χ
2 = 14.84 [0.87; 8.59] p ‹ 0.05). We conclude that the use of cytostatics carries a genetic risk for exposed workers.
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