2020, Number 1
Educational technologies for the teaching of Genetics in Higher Medical Education
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 446.43 Kb.
Introduction: Incorporation of information and communications technologies into the teaching-learning process has brought about the reorganization and reconstruction of pedagogical models at all learning levels, particularly in higher education, for it has made it possible to practice skills and empower more active roles in relation to research.Objective: Identify the educational technologies developed to support the teaching of genetics in higher medical education.
Methods: A detailed bibliographic review was conducted on the Internet. The information obtained corresponds to the last 5 years of publication and was mainly obtained from international educational journals related to pedagogical universities or learning institutions. These include the main educational software and multimedia applications currently used for the development of the teaching-learning process in the subject of genetics.
Results: The use of ICTs and computer sciences in education has provided us with novel tools to optimize the teaching process. This has fostered the conception and development of new teaching methods related to knowledge personalization, information universalization, self-education development and collaborative learning.
Conclusions: Implementation of the new information and communications technologies in the development of the teaching process in medical sciences education, particularly in the subject of medical genetics, has allowed students and teachers to raise their motivation in the search for solutions to a variety of problems, permanent update in different topics and continuous creation of knowledge and self-learning, enhanced by the creation of virtual environments and educational software, whose imprint on their training will be imperishable.
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