2021, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Farm 2021; 54 (1)
Potentially inadequate prescriptions in older adults in San Miguel del Padrón municipality, Havana, Cuba
Herrera PY, Díaz MM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 1051.44 Kb.
Introduction: Older adults are vulnerable to inadequate prescription of medicines
due to all factors associated with aging, comorbilities and the use of various drugs
for the treatment of different diseases.
Objective: Assess potentially inadequate prescriptions in elderly patients in San
Miguel del Padrón municipality, from January to December, 2019.
Methods: For the determination of potentially inadequate prescriptions, the
STOPP/START criteria and the Cuban Criteria for potentially inappropriate
medication for the elderly were used in a sample of patients from U-648, from the
health area "Hermanos Ruiz Aboy" Teaching Polyclinic in San Miguel del Padrón
municipality. Descriptive and inferential statistics tools were applied for data
analysis. To analyze the degree of concordance between the international and
Cuban methods, the contingency tables and the kappa statistical test were used.
Results: 100% of the population had potentially inadequate prescriptions. 757
potentially inadequate prescriptions were detected and 783 in which prescription
omission prevailed; the most common errors were those of prescription. The drug
groups that directly influenced these results were: non-steroidal antiinflammatory
drugs, statins, benzodiazepines, antiplatelets and hypoglycaemic agents. In addition, the antihypertensive–non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
combination was the most common risk interaction in that population.
Conclusions: STOPP/START criteria and Cuban criteria are very useful in
assessing potentially inadequate prescriptions in older adults and from a
clinical point of view the results of their application are of great value to achieve
a more effective and safe pharmacotherapeutics for this group,
confirming the need for pharmacotherapeutic follow-up that ensures the
actions of the pharmaceutical professionals within the health team.
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