2021, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2021; 35 (1)
The new reality in medical education due to COVID-19
Hernández GY, López AO, Fernández OB
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 398.41 Kb.
The disease caused by the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, since December 2019 represented a health emergency that generated worldwide concern due to its impact on health and the economy, but also with consequences for education.
To reflect about a new vision in teaching setting of medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The medical education personnel is in charge of facing the reality imposed by this pandemic, with dedication and development capacity, as well as incorporating a new vision in the virtual setting. In view of this, the existing technological infrastructure is served by information and communication technologies, as well as by virtual platforms like Moodle and Gloogle Meet. The creation of pedagogical settings should also be fostered, in view of stimulating, incorporating and developing new teaching forms, using conferences and online seminars, webinars.
COVID-19 has imposed, on medical education, a thinking of change and transformation of the traditional teaching and learning process, to which a new virtual setting must be added and involved with through optimal use of information and communication technologies. The challenge is to identify positive actions that allow development with agility and dexterity, since the future of medical education will be a different one, a reason why responsibility should be encouraged for training students as professionals competent in their performance.
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