2022, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (2)
Thromboprophylaxis and anticoagulation in COVID-19
Gómez-Limón L, Hernández-Pineda AH, Castellón-Lomelí CI, Cruz-Rodríguez JA
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 378-387
PDF size: 427.17 Kb.
The immunological reaction that facilitates the cytokine storm in the infection by the
new coronavirus facilitates the appearance of microvascular, endothelial and direct
cellular damage, which leads to a prothrombotic state and events of thromboembolism
to different apparatus and systems as a complication. Therefore, the need to provide
adequate prophylactic therapy or anticoagulant management in time and adequate
dosage to these patients, as well as an individualized coagulation and hemostasis study.
This document is intended to summarize in a practical way the evidence published to
date and provide a broader view of the pathophysiological phenomena that occur in
this hyperinflammatory state that has taught us a lot since its arrival.
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