2022, Number 42
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (42)
Adaptation and validation of an instrument to assess negative stereotypes of old age
González-Salas IC, Juárez-Hernández LG, Gámez-Mier CH
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 65-77
PDF size: 565.87 Kb.
Introduction: The assessment for identification of negative
stereotypes are numerous for older people, most
of the time they are from other regions and are applied
without carrying out an adaptation and validation process.
Objective: was to adapt the instrument
cuestionario de
estereotipos negativos hacia la vejez (CENVE) (translation:
questionnaire of negative stereotypes for older
people) as applied to mexican medical students.
Method: To adapt it we reviewed the terminology and
grammatical details of the items, after which the instrument
was reviewed by five experts to determine its relevance
and appropriateness of each of the items. Once
completed this process, the instrument was submitted
to the judgment of eleven experts to analyze its content
validity. Finally, to evaluate the instrument’s suitability for
the target group, the instrument was piloted with thirtyfour
medical students.
Results: The experts supported the relevance and appropriateness
of the items, and we incorporated their suggestions
improving the final drafting using terms and we
incorporated their suggestions improving the final drafting
using terms such as social participation, free time, and
recreational activities. In the experts’ judgment, all items
were validated in content (Aiken’s V ›0,75; LV ›0,50).
The pilot’s group perception in regard to understanding
the instructions and items was excellent. The reliability of
this application was favorable (Cronbach’s alpha: 0,847;
IC at 95%: 0,760 ± 0,913).
Conclusions: Adaptation of an instrument to evaluate
negative stereotypes towards for old age for the mexican
context is shown, with through the validation process was
found to have content validity.
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