2021, Number 1
Quantitative modifications of the corneal endothelium in cataract surgery by tunnelized scleracorneal extraction
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-16
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Introduction: after performing intraocular procedures, changes appear in the corneal endothelium. Cataract surgery can induce changes of this type, permanently or temporarily.Objective: to describe the quantitative modifications that occur in the corneal endothelial cells, in cataract operated by sclerocorneal tunnel extraction of the lens and intraocular lens implantation, at the Ophthalmological Center of the General Teaching Hospital “Enrique Cabrera” in Havana, from January 2017 to December 2018.
Methods: a descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was carried out in the universe of 644 patients diagnosed in the Ophthalmology Center, from which a sample of 250 patients (280 eyes) who met the study criteria was taken. The SP-3 000 specular endothelial microscope was used to evaluate the corneal endothelium. The ethical principles of the research were met.
Results: the mean pre-surgical central endothelial density was 2 620 cells per square millimeter, and central endothelial cell loss of 9,60 %, with a mean preoperative variability coefficient of 39,60 % and 42,80 % postoperative. Hexagonality presented mean pre-surgical values of 55,00 % and post-surgical values of 65,00 %.
Conclusions: there were quantitative modifications of the corneal endothelium. Among them: the decrease in endothelial cell density and significant changes in hexagonality and the coefficient of variability.
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