2020, Number 4
Therapeutic results of the application of acupuncture and craniopuncture in hemiplegic patients due to ischemic stroke
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 735-752
PDF size: 619.47 Kb.
Introduction: cerebrovascular diseases are affections due to temporary or permanent functional loss of a part of the central nervous system, generally they are of sudden installation and are caused by arterial occlusions, thrombi, emboli or by rupture of an encephalic artery.Objective: to determine therapeutic results of the application of craniopuncture and somatic acupuncture in hemiplegic patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke.
Methods: a quasi-experimental and prospective investigation was carried out at ‟Cmdte. Manuel Fajardo Rivero” Clinico-Surgical University Hospital in Santa Clara, from October 2015 to September 2018. The population consisted of patients admitted to the Internal Medicine and Traditional Medicine services. Two groups were formed: study and control (17 patients in each one). A medical interview to the patients was carried out, Barthel Index was applied and a traditional medical record was drawn up. Both groups received physiotherapeutic treatment and craniopuncture and somatic acupuncture were added to the study group.
Results: male patients and the age group from 70 to 79 years predominated. Kidney -yin deficiency prevailed in the sample studied; a greater number of frail autonomous patients was evidenced in the study group, in which 52.9% had a satisfactory evolution of functional capacity, accompanied by a short therapeutic time.
Conclusions: hemiplegic patients due to ischemic stroke treated with craniopuncture and somatic acupuncture, showed favorable therapeutic results, in comparison with the group that did not receive this treatment.
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