2020, Number 3
Phenotype detection in healthy normal- weight pregnant women
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 491-504
PDF size: 401.36 Kb.
Introduction: the development of a postgraduate course to train health providers (as a component of the MAPHTA strategy) on therapeutic adherence in hypertensive patients from Remedios municipality, Villa Clara generated the need to construct and validate an instrument for measuring the acquired knowledge.Objective: to present the construction process of this questionnaire, as well as its content validation and reliability.
Methods: content validation was carried out using Moriyama's criteria, according to expert assessment, and its results were processed using Crespo Borges' PROCESA-CE methodology. Reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient as a measure of coherence. The sample consisted of 18 health providers, from three areas of Remedios municipality, who were trained as facilitators in the implementation of the MAPHTA strategy that promotes therapeutic adherence in hypertensive patients.
Results: regarding the content validation of the questionnaire, the coefficient of agreement among experts was 0,87 for the criteria: reasonable, understandable and sensitive to variation. Cronbach's alpha was 0,79, so the reliability of the designed questionnaire was confirmed.
Conclusions: the results of the validity and reliability tests showed that the questionnaire on therapeutic adherence in people with arterial hypertension is an appropriate instrument for its use and application. This questionnaire meets the objectives that were set for its construction, both for research and for the identification of learning needs in primary health care.
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