2004, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2004; 42 (5)
Scale to Identify Energy-Protein Malnutrition in the Older Hospitalized Adult
Araujo MGJ, Ávila JL, Jerónimo BV
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 387-394
PDF size: 210.44 Kb.
Objective: our aim was to determine the precision of a scale that identifies the risk of elderly persons (AM) for malnutrition at a primary-care hospital.
Materials and methods: we carried out an extensive nutritional evaluation and applied a questionnaire (MNA). The study was comparative, observational, and transversal, with a 95 % confidence level (95 % CI). The study included subjects of 60 years of age and older who were hospitalized, gender not deter-mined, without cognitive deterioration, and who received a protein contribution ranging from 50-60 g/day. We excluded those with limb prosthesis. Extensive nutritional evaluation constituted the gold standard conformed of indicative anthropometric, biochemical, immunologic elements, and of stand-ardized electric bioimpedance. We formulated a model with elements of biologic plausibility in both evaluations, carrying out curved ROC of the same. Certain diagnostic capacity was determined with a logistic regression model and with adjustment of multiple lineal regression.
Results: the study included 85 AM, with greater prevalence of women. Indicative nutrition of both evaluations showed differences toward the interior categories. Extensive evaluation reported 22 % undernourished subjects and 78 % not-undernourished individuals, in comparison with 18 % under- nourished and 82 % non-undernourished with MNA, with sensitivity (Se) of 84 % and specificity (Sp) of 95 %. Pattern V reports an area under the curve of ca. 96 % of the test’s global accuracy.
Conclusions: MNA does not offer greater precision to detect malnutrition in AM than does extensive evaluation. Nonetheless, MNA provides elements that identify subjects at risk of presenting energy-protein malnutrition.
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