2020, Number 2
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CorSalud 2020; 12 (2)
Terminology and writing in COVID-19 times
Hernández RY, López DL, López REF
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 184-188
PDF size: 397.44 Kb.
Text Extraction
Before we begin, we want to “greet” (saludar) in a special way, the community of scientists who are fighting this large pandemic today, especially since it seems that this verb has also mutated with coronavirus1; we read the latter in the News section of the website Fundéu BBVA (Fundación del español urgente, Madrid), created in 2005, under the sponsorship and advice of the Real Academia Española (RAE [Royal Spanish Academy]) to ensure the proper use of the Spanish language in the media, mainly the news media. Paradoxically, this term comes from the Latin salutare, with the meaning of “wish for health” or “to say health”; currently, this word and the gestures associated with it have gone to the opposite extreme of its meaning, to the point that right now a saludo (greeting) is synonymous with “taking health away” through contagion, instead of giving or offering it.
When in January 2020, the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) was officially recognized by the Chinese authorities as the causative agent of a series of previous cases of pneumonia diagnosed in Wuhan, China, and the disease that produced this virus, named, in its original language, Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease 2019 –from which its well-known acronym COVID-19 arises–, was declared, the same month, by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an emergency of international concern, and as a pandemic on March, no one imagined the avalanche of new terms, and others of not very frequent use, that would begin to swarm in the health community.
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Noticias del español. "Saludar", el verbo que muta con el coronavirus [publicado 4/05/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 6/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/noticia/saludar-el-verbo-que-muta-con-el-coronavirus
Moreno-Martínez FL, Moreno-López FL, Oroz Moreno R. Repercusión cardiovascular de la infección por el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). CorSalud [Internet]. 2020 [citado 7/05/2020];12(1):3-17. Disponible en: http://www. revcorsalud. sld. cu/index. php/cors/article/view/588/1113
Ávila Y. COVID-19, apuntes lingüísticos [publicado 30/04/2020]. Cubaperiodistas. La prensa de la prensa cubana [Internet]. Cuba: Departamento de Comunicación de la UPEC; 2020 [citado 8/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. cubaperiodistas. cu/index. php/2020/04/covid-19-apuntes-linguisticos
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Recomendaciones. Coronavirus, claves de escritura [publicado 27/02/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 9/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/recomendacion/coronavirus-claves-de-escritura
Coronavirus Resource Center [Internet]. COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Johns Hopkins University of Medicine; 2020 [citado 07/06/2020]. Disponible en: https://coronavirus. jhu. edu/map. html
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Recomendaciones. Enfrentarse a o enfrentarse con, no enfrentarse ante [publicado 9/04/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 9/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/recomendacion/enfrentarse-a-o-enfrentarse-con-no-enfrentarse-ante
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Recomendaciones. Medicamentos: mayúscula y minúscula [publicado 2/04/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 9/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/recomendacion/medicamentos-mayuscula-y-minuscula
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Recomendaciones: Infección, no infectación [publicado 30/03/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 12/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/recomendacion/infeccion-infectacion
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Consultas. Volver a la nueva normalidad [publicado 29/04/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 12/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/consulta/volver-a-la-nueva-normalidad/
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Recomendaciones. Tasa de mortalidad y tasa de letalidad, diferencia [publicado 23/03/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 14/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/recomendacion/tasa-de-mortalidad-y-tasa-de-letalidad-diferencia/
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Consultas. PRC [publicado 23/03/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 14/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/consulta/pcr/
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Recomendaciones. Escenario, uso y abuso [publicado 08/04/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 18/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/recomendacion/escenario-uso-y-abuso/
Fundéu BBVA [Internet]. Recomendaciones. Distanciamiento físico y distanciamiento social, matices de significado [publicado 07/05/2020]. Madrid: Fundación del español urgente; [citado 26/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://www. fundeu. es/recomendacion/distanciamiento-fisico-y-distanciamiento-social-matices-de-significado/