2022, Number 41
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (41)
Perception of the implementation of the Quizizz app in a virtual course of microbiology
Dextre-Vilchez SA, Vásquez-Mercado RP
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 35-43
PDF size: 548.35 Kb.
Introduction: In the context of the current pandemic,
there was a need to implement virtual tools in medical
education such as gamification. This is possible through
the Quizizz app, which allows you to make didactic questionnaires
in order to improve learning.
Objective: Determine the perception of the implementation
of the Quizizz app in a virtual course of microbiology
in medical students.
Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study. A virtual
course in microbiology was conducted for medical students,
divided into four chapters. At the end of each of the
four chapters, the Quizizz app was used with 12 questions
on the topic developed. In the last chapter, a questionnaire
was applied to each participant individually with
sociodemographic and academic questions and a final
section on their perception of the implementation of the
Quizizz app.
Results: A total of 89 individuals agreed to fill in the survey.
They were from nine Latin American countries and
62.9% were female. Of the participants 78.7% had previous
experience with this type of applications, 94.4%
agreed with the implementation of the Quizizz app in
subjects of the career and 96.6% believe that it helped
them to mentally fix the contents of the course. In addition,
they scored 8.5 out of 10 on their final experience
with this app. Finally, in terms of the ratings obtained, the
total accuracy of the four items was 47.2%.
Conclusions: From the result results obtained, we conclude
that medical students are receptive to these types
of applications. In spite of this, the desired level of success
was not reached. Therefore, we recommend that it is
important to consider whether its implementation is worth
the investment of time and effort, or if it is only perceived
as a leisure time.
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