2021, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2021; 25 (1)
Quadriceps tendon rupture
Álvarez LA, Fuentes VR, Soto CSR, García LYC
Language: Spanish
References: 41
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Traumatic injuries on the knee extensor mechanism cause a large number of physical disability; this group includes those that affect the quadriceps tendon. A bibliographic review on this topic was carried out in order to update the most relevant elements. The most important anatomical aspects in the composition of the tendon and vascularity are mentioned. Reference is made to the production mechanism and the predisposing factors to rupture. Imaging methods for diagnosis are exposed, as well as treatment modalities and main complications. Quadriceps ruptures are incapacitating traumatic injuries of the lower limb, where the indirect production mechanism and factors that predispose its presence are mainly combined. The clinical manifestations vary in partial or complete lesions, as well as the treatment modalities, among which surgery predominates.
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