2021, Number 1
Results of cataract surgery through small tunneled incision and phacoemulsification techniques
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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Introduction: Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the world.Objective: To assess the results of cataract surgery through small tunneled incision and phacoemulsification techniques.
Methods: A prospective analytical cohort study was carried out at the Ophthalmology Center of ”Lucía Iñiguez Landín” Clinical Surgical Hospital, in Holguín, from January 2016 to December 2017. The sample consisted of 70 patients who had cataract surgery, 35 through small tunneled incision technique and 35 through phacoemulsification. The studied variables were: age, sex, hardness of the lenticular nucleus, pre and post surgery best corrected visual acuity, surgical complications, induced astigmatism, count and endothelial cell loss.
Results: In the comparison, senile cataract was predominant (57.14%) for the small tunneled incision and presenile cataract (94.29%), for phacoemulsification; male and age groups 50-59 and 60-69 for STI and 50-59 for phaco. The best crystal-corrected visual acuity was over 0.6 and the endothelial loss was 10-20% for both techniques. More complications (22.85%) occurred with the small tunneled incision technique and with phaco there were minimal. As regards induced astigmatism, it was higher for the small tunneled incision (1-2 or more D), while for phacoemulsification it was (-1D) in 97.14%.
Conclusions: The results obtained with both techniques are satisfactory due to the low incidence of complications and the good visual recovery. The advantages of phacoemulsification with fewer complications, less induced astigmatism and better visual results were proven.
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