2021, Number 1
Behavior of the Vector Control and Surveillance Program at ''Ramón López Peña'' Teaching Polyclinic from Santiago of Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 426.55 Kb.
Introduction: Vector control constitutes an essential strategy to reduce or eradicate disease-carrying organisms and the risk of spreading.Objective: To characterize the behavior of the Vector Control and Surveillance Program in a health area.
Method: A cross-sectional study of the vector control indicators was carried out in the 3 popular councils belonging to the health area of Ramón López Peña teaching polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, from January to June 2019.
Results: The infestation index was higher than 0.05 in the 3 popular councils, and Flores popular council was found to have the highest focus. The 44% of the blocks were positive and 77.7% had infestation foci again.
The number of febrile individuals, admitted patients, serum tests performed and reactivity increased in Veguita de Galo popular council. There were indications while assessing the quality of the epidemiological records, follow-up of febrile individuals and travellers, screening of febrile cases and implementation of instruction 06 by the Basic Health Staff.
Conclusions: The difficulties detected could enhance the negative results of the Vector Control and Surveillance Program in the health area.
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