2021, Number 1
Application of the relationship between nucleus coloration, consistency and opacity in the phacoemulsification of senile cataract
Language: Spanish
References: 27
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Objective: To demonstrate the possible relationship between nucleus coloration, consistency and opacity in senile cataract as an orientation method in phacoemulsification (FACO).Methods: The cataracts corresponding to a hundred consecutive extracapsular lens extractions were analyzed using intraoperative mydriasis. Fresh nuclei were classified as semitransparent yellow, translucent yellow, amber, and brown. According to the mechanical force used with the second instrument (chopper) used to fragment them into wedges, we define their consistency as very hard, hard, medium hard, and soft.
Results: The mean age of the patients in the cataracts studied was 69±12 (44-83) years, with an evolution time of 4±3 (0.4-10) years from the onset of the first visual symptoms. Semitransparent yellow/medium hard to soft nuclei predominated (44.83%), followed by brown/very hard (20.6%), translucent yellow/soft to medium hard (3.45%) and amber/hard (3.03%), which evidenced that there is a significant relationship between darkening and hardening of the nucleus.
Conclusions: The relationship found between darkening and hardening of the nucleus is of great importance, as long as it guides the ophthalmic surgeon in the application of the surgical technique of phacoemulsification.
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