2021, Number 6
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Salud Mental 2021; 44 (6)
Violence as a main symptom of schizophrenia and expressed emotion in relatives of users from Instituto Jalisciense de Salud Mental
Audiffred JRI, García de Alba GJE, García MI, Loza SCI, Limón CL
Language: English
References: 44
Page: 277-285
PDF size: 211.85 Kb.
Introduction. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects 21 million people worldwide, and it brings about
environments with high Expressed Emotion (EE) in the families of these individuals. High EE is characterized
by negative evaluations, criticism, and overinvolvement of family members towards the person with
Objective. Recognize the relationship between the cultural agreement about the symptoms
of schizophrenia and EE.
Method. The study had a mixed design, with a cognitive anthropology method.
The sample had a probabilistic estimate based on Weller and Romney proposal, with a competence higher
than 50%, a confidence level of 95%, and 5% of type I error. The 40 participants were selected with a simple
randomized probability sampling, conformed by relatives of patients from the Instituto Jalisciense de Salud
Mental (SALME).
Results. The 45% of the sample showed a high EE according to the Questionnaire for Measuring
the Level of Expressed Emotion (CEEE). A single valid cultural model with statistical significance was
found, in which violence was identified as the main symptom of schizophrenia. The best-informed relatives
showed a lower EE (Mann-Whitney
U = 1,000,
p ‹ .001).
Discussion and conclusion. Schizophrenia disorder
has been associated with stigmas that generate rejection and fear. A total of 40% of the world’s population
believe people with schizophrenia are dangerous and violent. It must be considered opportune to reconsider
the use of the term “schizophrenia”, which is etymologically imprecise and supports stigmas that have excluded
and defamed people with schizophrenia for more than a century.
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