2020, Number 3
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Rev Acta Médica 2020; 21 (3)
A Prototype Report of Lumbosacral Spine Magnetic Resonance Images
Peña CA, Diaz MME, Tamargo BTO
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 471.61 Kb.
Introduction: Magnetic resonance imaging allows to identify, with sensitivity and specificity, anomalies, injuries and diseases of the spine that cannot be visualized with other studies, without there currently being a methodological tool to assess the characteristics of these lumbar injuries and diseases.
Objective: To develop, in the setting of the imaging department of Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical-Surgical Hospital, a report prototype for lumbosacral spine magnetic resonance images.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional development study was carried out to prepare a prototype of radiological report of lumbosacral spine magnetic resonance images. The sample consisted of 100 patients who attended the institution's imaging service during the study period. The radiological report was carried out with the application of the report prototype prepared, using the Moriyama criteria. The Kappa statistic was used to assess interrater agreement.
Results: According to Moriyama criteria, as part of the model created, 100% defined content validity as excellent. Interobserver agreement for the different dimensions and aspects assessed in the new report was very good.
Conclusions: The new report model for lumbosacral spine magnetic resonance images is considered as valid and reliable for the diagnosis of different lumbosacral spine conditions.
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