2020, Number 2
Victimological bases for victim prevention actions on child sexual abuse
Vázquez SM, Otero RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 119-132
PDF size: 280.45 Kb.
The identification of victim-causing factors is vital for the formulation of effective victim prevention strategies in relation to child sexual abuse.
Objectives. 1) Identify the victimizing factors that favor the primary victimization of the sexually abused minor. 2) Propose victimological bases for victim prevention actions.
Methodology. Empirical research, based on a qualitative and descriptive approach. Two samples were used: the first one made up of 20 underage victims of sexual abuse explored at the Center for the Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents in Havana; the second, by 21 accompanying relatives. The information collection was carried out through the application of semi-structured interviews to the subjects that made up each sample and to a third study group made up of 5 experts related to the subject studied.
Results. The victim-causing factors are: living in dysfunctional families, the deficient approach to sexual education in schools, the inadequate student-teacher relationship, marginality, age, physical-motor difficulties, learning delays, and personological characteristics. The proposal of victimological bases is oriented towards where to direct the victim prevention actions and what elements or issues such actions should contain.
Conclusions. There are victim-causing factors that can influence victimization processes, particularly in the occurrence of child sexual abuse. Its assessment allows proposing victimological bases that guarantee the effectiveness of victim prevention strategies.
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