2022, Number 1
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2022; 7 (1)
Neurosciences and their impact on Law. The role of the Brain in the legal work. Neurolaw
Araujo CJC
Language: Spanish
References: 62
Page: 125-158
PDF size: 450.91 Kb.
Purpose: of this article is to determine the relationship between neurosciences and law, analyzing the scope of this new discipline, neurolaw for legal work.
Description: Given that various studies of the brain question the existence of free will, and that this is the basis of the legal principle of the autonomy of the will, it is analyzed whether it really exists or not, an essential question for the law and the possibilities offered by neurosciences to have new means of seeking truth, determination of ability and other issues, reviewing both benefits and risks.
Approach: The extraordinary development of neurosciencew is leading us to a new scientific revolution, changing a series of paradigms. Thanks to it, we can understand more and more the neurological bases of our conscience and reason, the determination of our behaviors and of our self. Finally, the need to ensure that respect for human rights is guaranteed in the face of the development of new neuroscientific technologies is addressed.
Conclusion: Neurosciences have transcended the field of law to assist administrators of justice in making legal decisions. To understand the interaction between both sciences, it will be understood that the brain and in general the central nervous system originates and condition human behavior, which is the object of study for law and, in turn, is regulated by legal systems.
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